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29th Annual Mass BIA British Classic Moto Show & Swap
May 26, 2019

29th Annual Mass. BIA British & Classic Motorcycle Show & Swap Meet
SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019
On Sunday, May 26th, 2019, starting at 10am, the British Iron Association Mass. Chapter is pleased to invite you to attend our 29th Annual British & Classic Motorcycle Show and Swap Meet at Singletary Rod & Gun Club in Oxford, MA. Directions below.
- $10 admission, kids under 12 FREE!
- Many trophy classes for British bikes and rest of world classics 1984 or older
- RAT bike trophy, any age or origin
- FREE bike show entry with admission.
- Many vendors, as well as many available vendor spaces.
- FREE vendor space with paid admission and door prize submission ($15+ value).
- Gobs of door prizes.
- 50/50 raffle.
- Food and refreshments available.
So come on down, enjoy the British and classic bikes, the fun field events, and stop by the Mass. BIA booth to join up if you haven’t already!
Friend us at Mass BIA Club!
FREE collector pin with paid admission!
From the North/West/Boston: Mass Pike to 395 South to Exit 4A, left onto Sutton Ave for 2.8 miles. Look for signs!
From the South/CT: Take 395 North to Exit 4A, right onto Sutton Ave for 2.8 miles. Look for signs! From Rhode Island: 146 North to Central Turnpike exit, left onto Central Turnpike for 5 miles. Look for signs! |
General and
LocationSingletary Rod & Gun Club
300 Sutton Avenue, Oxford, MA |